If you wish to cancel an order, please contact the online store Manager at 28310 52747 or send an email at to cancel it. If the products have already been shipped, you should refuse to receive them so they will return to the company.

If you discover that the product is not the one you wanted, our company allows you to return it within fourteen (14) days of delivery, only if unused and in its original condition. When the product has been used or its original packaging has been tampered, the return shall not be accepted. If the return is not made within the period of 14 calendar days of delivery or if any of the conditions for returns are not fulfilled, FORUM company has the right not to accept the return of the products.

Before returning the product, you must contact the online store manager. Then you can:

1. Make the change at FORUM store.

2. Change the product: After contacting us, we will place your new order, stating “RETURN” as payment method and adding the word “CHANGE” in the comments. Then, send us the package with the product, enclosing the proof of purchase.
All returns must be accompanied by the retail sales receipt. Credit balances from product returns can be used for up to one year from the issuance of the return receipt. Where an invoice has been issued, returns should be accompanied by a dispatch note.
In all the above cases the payment costs (cash on delivery, courier and bank transfer costs) are borne by the customer.
Each return is made exclusively through ACS COURIER stating the recipient's charge. Return costs are € 4 and will be added to the new order.
The address to which the products are returned is: FORUM, 77 Kountourioti Avenue, PC 74100, Rethymno, Crete.

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